people using laptops and other mobile devices
Virtual Resources

All of ARIZONA@WORK's resources and programs can be accessed remotely, whether you're trying to find employment services or training programs. This new virtual world is new to a lot of people, so we have put together a few resources to help you navigate all of it.

Virtual Interview and Meeting Etiquette

ARIZONA@WORK offers virtual workforce services, including employment readiness workshops and job fairs to help you safely meet with employers. Here are tips to help you present your best self online.

Return Stronger - Tips for Setting up a Remote Workspace

Setting up a productive workspace can strengthen your focus, and at home, you have the freedom to create your own space, so have fun with it!

5 Tips for Attending a Virtual ARIZONA@WORK Job Fair

ARIZONA@WORK is hosting all its job fairs virtually. Here are five tips on how to make a lasting impression on an employer.

Tips for Self-Care While Working From Home

The coronavirus pandemic has changed daily life for everyone, and for many individuals, this includes transitioning to a work-from-home environment. Prior to the pandemic, work-life balance may have already been a challenge. Now that you are home all the time, this could add stressors to your workday and home life.

Contact us!

Most ARIZONA@WORK offices are operating in a virtual setting. Call a local ARIZONA@WORK office for any employment resources or training opporunities!